A young family with a child being warmly greeted by a woman handing out bulletins at the entrance of a church building, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

Welcome to Heritage Church!

Welcome to Heritage Church! We are located in the heart of downtown Shawnee. Our mission at Heritage is to advance the gospel, equip saints for the work of the ministry, provide theological education, minister to the vulnerable, and seek the welfare of the city. We hope you will join us for worship on Sunday mornings, attend one of our weekly bible studies, or join one of our life groups.

Service Times

Sunday School
9:30 am
Sunday Worship Service
10:45 am
Wednesday Evening Activities
6:00 pm
Wednesday College and Careers
8:30 pm

About Heritage

The distinct mission of our local church may be recognized by our 5 core values:

Plan your visit to Heritage

Use these links to familiarize yourself with our various ministries, learn more about our beliefs, or fill out a Connect Card before you arrive.

Stanined glass from Heritage Church with the a red filter.
Heritage White Emblem Logo

“As I hit my thirties I started to look towards the older people in our church for discipleship, but there were very few. I prayed for God to bring older men and women to our church, and He provided in a way I could have never imagined. Since the replant I have been able to experience first-hand how faithful men and women give glory to God in the midst of health issues, broken relationships and the death of loved ones. They are staying the course; still running and allowing me to run alongside them. It has been humbling and so encouraging.”

- Debbie Goss

Our Story

Where We Are Today

Today, Heritage Church represents a living illustration of Ephesians 4:4-6: “There is one body and one Spirit – just as you were called to one hope that belongs to your call – one Lord, one baptism, one God and Father of all, who is over all and through all and in all.”

We are a unified body of believers committed to fostering a sense of belonging, community, and spiritual growth rooted in the love of Jesus Christ. We believe that the love of Jesus transforms lives and communities, offering hope, peace, and purpose.

Through our actions, words, and service, we strive to reflect His unconditional love and grace. We continue to build on the strong foundations of our past while striving to be a living testament to His love and inspiring others to experience His transformative power.

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